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7th graders reach the peak at Sibley Volcanic Regional Park

Elmhurst Goes Outdoors

Every student has opportunities to go on several outdoor field trips, such as kayaking and camping, throughout the school year.

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A building featuring a prominent large sign displayed on its side, clearly visible to passersby.

Elmhurst Pride On Display!

Over the summer, Elmhurst upgraded its campus look, branding the Elmhurst-E on the side of the auditorium. The E is so big it can be seen coming down the hill on 98th and from the gondolas at the Oakland zoo!

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students seeing how many pennies their aluminum foil boat can hold

Academic Mindset

Elmhurst students use their academic mindset every day through interactive and engaging project-based learning.

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cheer team posing for a picture at their competition

Royal Eagles Stay Active

Elmhurst students thrive on our basketball, soccer, flag football, volleyball, futsal, dance, and cheer teams. This year, we even have skateboarding after school!

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Focused on high academic achievement while serving the whole child, eliminating inequity, and providing each child with excellent teachers, every day.

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OUSD offers music, language, hands-on learning and STEAM opportunities for preschoolers to seniors in high school. Our 106 schools are located in the country's second most racially diverse city and are spread across 78 square miles. We prepare students to be engaged civic leaders ready to pursue their college, career and post-K-12 educational dreams.

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